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Handmade Prayer Wheel handmade white metal.

Size: 3.5 in x 6 in

Weight: 425.3g

The cost and time of shipping will be determined after the purchase depending of the quantity and the destination. We will contact with you to confirm these informations with you.


Mini prayer wheel hand made in white metal, with coral and turquoise. Mantra script inside the prayer wheel.

Weight: 40g

Size: 1.9 in x 2.5 in

The cost and time of shipping will be determined after the purchase depending of the quantity and the destination. We will contact with you to confirm these informations with you.


Prayer wheel handmade with white metal.

Size: 2.5 x 5.3

Weight: 181.3g

The cost and time of shipping will be determined after the purchase depending of the quantity and the destination. We will contact with you to confirm these informations with you.


Prayer wheel with incense burner. Handmade with white metal. 

Size: 6.7 in x 13 in

The cost and time of shipping will be determined after the purchase depending of the quantity and the destination. We will contact with you to confirm these informations with you.


Prayer wheel handmade with brass and white metal.

Size: 4.5 in x 6 in

Weight: 580g

The cost and time of shipping will be determined after the purchase depending of the quantity and the destination. We will contact with you to confirm these informations with you.


Prayer Wheel handmade with brass and white metal.

Size: 5.5 in x 3.7 in

Weight: 360.5g

The cost and time of shipping will be determined after the purchase depending of the quantity and the destination. We will contact with you to confirm these informations with you.


Wheel prayer handmade with brass and white metal.

Size: 4.5 in x 3.1 in

Weight: 271.2g

The cost and time of shipping will be determined after the purchase depending of the quantity and the destination. We will contact with you to confirm these informations with you.